Monday, September 20, 2010

Kinda Crazy....

I'm sorry I have been a little slow with the postings this last week.  My home and my family have needed me and I just haven't been able to find anytime to get in my room and create.  I have a card on the go right now and will hopefully get it finished tonite after everyone is in bed and should have it posted by tomorrow.  I've just picked kids up at school, traded the younger ones for the older ones and am off again to take them to their skating lessons, then back to pick up the younger, home for dinner, homework, baths....and on and on the list goes - I know you can relate.  I am feeling pressure (self inflicted) to get something posted everyday on my blog, but then as I look as my favorite blogs I like to visit, I notice they are the same way.  Everyone is just busy and it makes me feel better,  Why, as women, do we tend to have the "superwoman" syndrome?

Anyways, I will be back with the Got Treats? card shortly
Thanks for checking in...

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